Chanel Exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

I’ve been overworked and haven’t had a chance to update in too long. To my shame I saw this exhibit on May 14th. Which was a Saturday. Don’t go on a Saturday. I have never been more irritated in a museum but the inane comments (and I’ll defend the idiots right to make them) than I was on this day. Example: “Oh, Stella what’s the big deal with this stuff? It just looks like a bunch of men’s clothes.” I found myself wondering if she only knew rich drag queens. And speaking of queens there was the married one who walked the entire exhibit trailing his wife loudly proclaiming in a ‘Madonna British’ accent, “Oh didn’t MOTHER just look wonderful in Chanel? So exquisite, so refined, even Madame didn’t wear Chanel like mother wore Chanel.” Shut up!! Fella if your mother were really so refined she’d be ashamed by your vulgar proclamations on her behalf. Enough about the crowd, the show is great just avoid the weekends or wear earplugs.
The exhibit itself was marvelously curated with many pieces that I’d never seen before. Most remarkable to me was that the show was strong on Coco with less reference on Karl which I for one enjoyed. You really get a feeling for her immense talents in this retrospective and additionally are exposed to what appear to be direct inspirations which I found fascinating. There were many examples where I was surprised upon reading the credit to find out that it was Madame and not Karl who had created a number of gowns that I would have thought to be his. Anyway the show is on through August 7th so go!
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