July 3rd

We got up by 7:30 and Mom and I went ashore on the Dobson’s Launch to take advantage of their shower facilities (the boat does not have a proper shower). The launch driver was as usual intelligent, wholesome, and adorable. I don’t know where they find these A & F type youngsters. Going ashore to shower always makes me very happy so the day started off wonderfully. It never fails to amaze me how much every day events that we normally take for granted in our own spoiled and privileged lives become huge treats when not accessible as we are used to. Just go camping and you’ll see what I mean. We returned to the boat for a breakfast of yogurt with fruit and nuts and Dad told us he’d decided that we’d stay put today and relax as otherwise we’d be on a hard beat (sailing into the wind) and then end up in a mess of boats on Block Island without a mooring reservation which we’d need on a holiday weekend. We decided to go ashore in the afternoon and walk around town and then go out to eat. I love Stonington and wished I’d had the means and the forethought to have purchased real estate her 15 or 20 years ago when one still could. Now it is untouchable except for the very rich. We had a lovely walk through town; the very last fixer upper was being worked on. The old factory that had been gutted by a major fire 2 years ago while in the process of being renovated into luxury condo’s (what else) was nearing completion. The 5 freestanding housed also going up on the property were starting at 1.3 million. Two summers before an old columned wreck had just started its renovations. Mom and I decided that it was inherited by a young couple from an ancient auntie who had not changed a thing in 90 years. This story came from peeking in the lower windows when it was under reconstruction and seeing all the antique furniture stacked up and covered in room that were not yet being worked on. It too was now finished and looking beautiful. We passed my favorite house which is a renovated church just as the occupants were coming out to their car. The lady of the house and I exchanged pleasantries and I walked away wishing that they were on their way in instead of out and maybe I could have finagled a tour. I’ve always loved interesting architecture and when I was a youngster I would tell people that I was a student and would love to tour their fantastic space. No one ever said no but that was 20 years ago and I’m not so sure that today folks would be so willing to show a complete stranger the layout of their house. I know that I wouldn’t.
Dinner at Boom was wonderful as it has always been every summer that we’ve dined there since it opened. I had the house mesclin followed by perfectly prepared lightly breaded and flash fried calamari. For an entrée I chose one of the days specials: sesame -encrusted seared tuna served on a bed of slaw that would have been improved had they prepared it with shredded mango. I shared a piece of coconut cake with Mom that was lighter than air and completely unlike the 20 lb. coconut cakes I used to by at Christmas time from church ladies when I lived down south.
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