Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Lunch at Sushi Ran

I’ve not gotten very far in my telling of my PERFECT WEEKEND IN SF. It’s not just my opinion either; Sue at the end of say Friday said, “That was the perfect Friday, everything about it.” I’d say the same about Saturday or Sunday. We agreed that the perfect moments, meals, events that led up to perfect days ultimately led to a perfect weekend. The problem of course with a perfect weekend is that regular weekends really suck in comparison like when I got back to my regular life in NYC I was blue for two weeks! Part of that too was probably from missing Sue as it takes a perfect friend to create perfect times. Anyway back to Friday morning; we leisurely made our way up the incredibly steep streets that led back to Sue and Max’s house. It’s a workout for a NYC boy where the only ‘hills’ are a few minor inclines on the Upper East Side. We each tossed our overnight bags together and hopped into her pickup truck to drive out to the wine country. First however we stop in Sausalito where we decide to get some lunch. I start to tell Sue about my favorite Sushi restaurant ever that’s name I cannot remember but I think I might be able to find it. Of course it was like we had on radar and I directed us right to it. Name is Sushi Ran and it’s located at 107 Caledonia St. Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 332-3620. The place was packed as it always was every time I’d been there in the past but the host asked us if we wouldn’t mind sitting at the sushi bar we could be seated right away. We didn’t mind and our waiter ended up being this complete sweetheart taking extremely good care of us. I’d just finished telling Sue about years ago I’d had the most divine cucumber infused Sake martini that was exactly like having springtime in your mouth when our waiter asked us what we’d like to drink. We started with the menu and he made some recommendations and finally I had to tell him about the best drink I’d ever had. “Oh we haven’t had that on the menu in about 2 years but…..if you don’t mind waiting for a few……I think I can do it for you.” No, we don’t mind. We ordered a giant plate of Sashimi and (again not on the menu) I asked the waiter about these fantastic miniature crabs that are flash fried and eaten whole. Yes, he would be able to do that too. Needless to say lunch was perfection but it was time to move on to the next adventure.


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