July 5th
I awakened at 6am and went above deck to find that we were completely socked in by fog. This made it a very private situation for peeing off the stern. Plus since I was not wearing my glasses or contacts I couldn’t see anything anyway so even if anyone could see me I couldn’t see them! I felt like a 5 year old hiding my line of vision behind a chair leg; if I couldn’t see them, they couldn’t see me.

We breakfasted in the cockpit on grapefruit, OJ, and yogurt with fresh fruit and mixed nuts. The three of us puttered around doing our own things waiting for the fog to burn off so that we could motor up the Sakonnet River around, around the top of Rhode Island, RI (the island upon which Newport Exists)
I never realized prior to studying this chart that this is the setup. I’d always thought that the island was itself called Newport…… We Americans and our geography challenges.

When we got underway we sailed most of the distance using the motor as a boost when passing a swing bridge by The Hummocks and when coming into Potter Cove in Prudence Island to drop anchor. Dinner was very simple; we combined 4 sweet and sour chicken frozen dinners from Lean Cuisine in the double boiler and Mom made salads. After dinner Dad retired by 9:30 and Mom and I stayed up until midnight playing Shanghai Rum. This is unfortunately a card and not a drinking game. I was winning the first few hands which was horrifying her. There was a scary moment when her incisors first starting growing in the heat of competition but since she was able to ultimately wipe the decks with me further violence was averted.
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