Friday night on a Pub crawl
It’s been a lot of years since I’ve done the bar scene and wondered what if anything I was missing. I started out around 9:30 to see what was going on. As I’ve been out of it for a long time I used Citysearch as a guide for addresses and recommendations. Pick up an HX. CS is out of date on what’s happening. First stop was the Townhouse --- East 58th Street which they described as, “the friendliest bar in NYC”. That may be so, I wouldn’t know as I was there long enough to walk from the front to the back and out again to the street. If you’re looking to date Uncle Fester or Grandpa Munster it’ll be your kind of place. Me I don’t even like scary movies so being on the set of one was not my idea of a good time. Plus the fact that in ’93 I met a man there that I was with until 2000 who very nearly destroyed me so I did not enter with the most optimistic attitude regarding the bar in general. Upon hitting the street I realized that I had been holding my breath so did some quick CPR and carried on to the west 50’s (also highly recommended by CS).
First stop was COSMO 358 W. 54th between 8th and 9th which had been described as an intimate, friendly, and upscale local joint where the bartender will have everyone introduced and talking in no time. Sounds like a good deal to me as I was on my own. I looked through the windows at a U shaped bar that could maybe hold 20 to see one bartender and one patron (whom I did not want to meet) so on I went.
Second stop: THERAPY 348 W. 52nd Street between 8th and 9th. It’s a really pretty place with brick walls, candles everywhere, and a reflection pool under the open stairway that leads to the second floor. I had a mixed juice for $5 which I think is a lot for no alcohol but maybe that’s just me. Not a particularly fashionable, pretty, nor friendly crowd but with a group of friends I’d say it’d be a good place to hang out.
Third stop I walked past POSH 405 W. 51st between 9th and 10th which is now called something else and had two argumentative whiny smoking queens complaining out on the front walk which I didn’t take as a good recommendation.
Fourth stop: I was ready for something that was a little familiar and I’d been to within recent memory so I headed for XL 357 W. 16th between 8th and 9th. Last time I was there was Halloween of 03 with my friend Jayne. We had way too much to drink and when I woke up in my bed the next morning I discovered I’d brought a souvenir home with me which I’m sure seemed like a great idea in my inebriated state the night before but negligible in the light of morning. That was until a ray of sun hit his face and I realized that I’d not made a mistake after all and so ended up making the best of it in the morning with a man young enough for me to have fathered. Sometimes the gay gods do smile upon us. Anyway with that in mind I headed downtown. I seated myself at the bar in front of the smilingest bartender which made the evening worthwhile. I never tire of looking at beauty and this was no exception. The atmosphere was the same as I remembered with decent lighting, friendly staff, and good music. There was exactly one good looking man in the joint with the exception of the staff so after 2 juices I hit the road for what ended up being my…………………………………………………..
Final stop: SBNY or Splash 50 West 17th between 5th and 6th. As I approached the entrance the very good looking doorman said, “Hey! It’s really good to see you!” as he opened the door and even though I’d never before laid eyes upon him (nor he, I don’t think, on me) I replied that it was great to see him too. I find these kinds of greetings to be really good business as it makes you want to be where you are. $10 cover, downstairs to check my coat and a quick cruise through the club before settling at the front bar for yet more, you guessed it, juice. $3.50 here which is a bargain compared to elsewhere. Of course the staff is well known for their muscles and no shirts with good reason. The go go boys were equally impressive. I had eyes for just one waiter whom I’d actually noticed when I first arrived as he is one of those people who has an inner glow that looks like a spotlight is following them everywhere. Before long he was working the floor sans shirt but with a tray that made his bicep’s look all the better for the slight strain. Ok, I was smitten. I’d been a cocktail waiter many years ago in my youth and this young man had a presence and poise that was to be admired and something I’m sure I didn’t have then. He worked the crowd making everyone he talked to feel like welcome guests. When he got to me he smiled while placing his hand over the one I had holding my drink glass. He tipped it toward him to look into its depth and slowly let go of my hand to reach up to my neck and touch my crucifix. “Are you a Christian?” Yup, I answered. “Catholic?” Nope. “Ah you’re some high Yankee northern Baptist which explains the double in the big glass.” Actually I’m a Presbyterian and the drink is cranberry and orange but you were close. “Drinks for Jesus, I get it, no alcohol.” All this was said while he played with my cross or rested his hand on my pec while looking into my eyes. What a pro. I was a second away from opening my wallet and saying, “Take what you want and will you marry me?” Anyway I maintained my cool and neglected to make an ass out of myself but after we’d finished chatting and he moved off in his spotlight to torture other patrons the people around be all paled by comparison and I understood that the minor flirtation was going to be the best part of my night and so I high tailed it home. By subway as I was completely sober and I wanted to experience a late night train which I’d not done in many years either and the people watching at 12:30 am was great. I love this town.
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